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e Broken Wings of a Gemini" - A Tale of Heartbreak As a Gemini, I know all too well the ups and downs of love. We are known for our passionate and intense emotions, but also our tendency to be fickle and indecisive. Sometimes, we soar on the wings of love, feeling invincible and exhilarated. Other times, we crash and burn, our hearts shattered into a million pieces. The broken wings of a Gemini can be seen in those moments when we realize that the person we love doesn't love us back. It's a feel{『研习更多 生肖运势知识请关注 :星座知识网,wWw.xINgzUOzhIshI.cC]】ing of utter despair, as if the universe is playing a cruel joke on us. We question everything we thought we knew about ourselves and our relationships. Were we too needy? Too clingy? Too distant? Did we chase them away or did they never really care in the first place? It's a painful and confusing experience that can leave us feeling lost and alone. We try to mask our pain with a smile or a witty remark, but inside we are crumbling. We want to scream and cry and lash out, but we don't want to appear weak or vulnerable. So we keep it all bottled up inside, until it explodes like a volcano, leaving destruction in its wake. But, as with all things in life, the broken wings of a Gemini can also serve as a lesson. We learn that love isn't always easy or straightforward. We learn that sometimes we have to let go of the ones we love, even if it hurts. We learn that the only way to heal is to face our pain head-on, rather than trying to suppress it. So, the next time you see a Gemini with a broken heart, don't pity us. Instead, admire the strength and resilience it takes to pick ourselves up, dust off our wings, and take flight once again. For we may be wounded, but we are never truly broken.相处越久越合不来的三个星座,有你吗


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