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Patron Saint of Libra In astrology, Libra is symbolized by the scales, representing balance, harmony, and justice. The ruling planet is Venus, which governs love, beauty, and peace. But who is the patron saint of this zodiac sign? Traditionally, the patron saint of Libra is Saint Michael the Archangel, also known as the defender of the faith, the protector of the Church, and the captain of the heavenly army. He is depicted as a powerful warrior, armed with a sword and a shield, defeating the devil and his followers. Why Saint Michael as the patron saint of Libra? There are several reasons. First, Michael's name means "who is like God," reflecting the Libran desire for fairness, equality, and reverence for the divine. Second, Michael's feast day is on September 29, which falls under the Libra season. Third, Michael's attributes of courage, justice, and righteousness resonate with the Libran personality traits of diplomacy, balance, and grace. As the patron saint of Libra, Saint Michael reminds us to seek the truth, to strive for harmony, and to uphold the values of decency and honor. He encourages us to resist temptation, to oppose injustice, and to fight evil with goodness. He inspire『阅读更多 个性名字常识请关注 :奶糖起名网,WwW.iNAitAng.CoM』)s us to be the peacemakers, the mediators, and the healers in a world of conflict and division. Whether we believe in astrology or not, we can all benefit from the guidance and protection of a spiritual mentor like Saint Michael. As we face the challenges and opportunities of life, may we find the strength and wisdom to live up to our Libran ideals and to fulfill our divine purpose. Blessed be the scales that weigh our hearts with love and truth.未来一周天秤座事业平步青云,射手座财运青云直上,被好运庇护


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