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脚冷做梦遇到鬼(梦里见到鬼 害怕)

cold winter night, I fell into a deep sleep with my feet feeling exceptionally chilly. In my dream, I found myself wandering aimlessly in an old, rund『阅读更多 个性名字常识请关注 :奶糖起名网,WwW.iNAitAng.CoM』)own village on a moonless night. As I trudged along, shivering with cold, I suddenly saw a strange-looking figure looming up ahead of me. It was a ghost! My heart skipped a beat as I quickly tried to turn around and flee. But to my surprise, my legs felt as heavy as lead, and I couldn't move an inch! The ghost kept getting closer and closer until I could see its hazy, wispy form. My teeth chattered in fear, and I broke into a cold sweat. The ghost stopped in front of me and spoke in a hissing voice: "What brings you here, mortal?" I trembled as I stammered out a reply: "I don't know, I was just walking around and got lost, please don't hurt me!" The ghost cackled menacingly: "I won't hurt you if you can answer this riddle correctly. If you can't, you'll become one of us!" I nodded, hardly able to think straight with fear. The ghost went on: "What has a head and a tail but no body?" I racked my brain but couldn't come up with an answer. The ghost grew impatient and started to move closer again. Just when it seemed like my fate was sealed, I woke up with a start, sweating and panting. It took me a few moments to realize it was just a dream. I looked around and saw that I was in my warm bed, with my feet snugly tucked under the covers. As I lay there, relieved, I realized that the dream had taught me an important lesson: to always be prepared for the unexpected, even in my dreams!小伙做梦遇见鬼,还逞强说自己不怕,你逃跑的样子真的很狼狈


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