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恩比德也开始耍酷 艾弗森的护臂,乔丹的护肘,詹皇的头带
Joe76人队的绝对核心 现实版樱木花道 大帝 恩比德生日快乐
l Embiid, the star center for the Philadelphia 76ers, recently announced that he and his girlfriend Anne de Paula have welcomed their first child into the world. In a heartfelt message on social media, Embiid shared the news of his son's birth and revealed his unique name inspired by his African heritage: Arthur Elijah De Paula Embiid. Embiid is originally from Cameroon, where he grew up playing basketball and honing his skills on the court. He has always been proud of his African roots and has often spoken about the importance of embracing one's cultural heritage. In choosing the name Arthur Elijah for his son, Embiid is honoring his family's traditions and paying homage to his ancestors. Arthur is a name of Celtic origin that means "bear" or "noble," while Elijah is a Hebrew name that means "my God is Yahweh." The combination of these two names creates a powerful and meaningful moniker that reflects both Embiid's African heritage and his faith. In his announcement, Embiid expressed his excitement at becoming a father and the joy that his son's birth has brought him and Anne. He also hinted at the possibility of his son following in his footsteps and becoming a basketball player, saying, "Hopefully he loves basketball as much as his dad does." Regardless of whether or not Arthur chooses to pursue basketball, he will undoubtedly be raised with the same values of hard work, determination, and pride in his heritage that have made Joel Embiid a beloved figure both on and off the court. Congratulations to the happy parents on the birth of their son, and best wishes for the future!恩比德给儿子取名亚瑟,纪念已故的弟弟,他绝不是爱哭鬼


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