ing whether or not a Gemini man likes you can be a tricky question to answer. Gemini men are charismatic, charming, and sociable, so they naturally attract a lot of attention from many people. Whether you're trying to figure out if a Gemini man is interested in you or just being friendly is no easy task. One way to know whether or not a Gemini man likes you is to pay attention to how he interacts with you. If he is always keen to initiate conversations, makes the effort to keep in touch and spends time with you whenever he can, then there's a chance he might be interested in you. Gemini men are also very curious, so if he asks you a lot of questions about yourself, that is usually a good indication he wants to learn more about you. It's also important to remember that Gemini men like variety, and they're typically always chasing something new and different. If you're trying to catch the attention of a Gemini man, you'll need to be engaging and able to keep him interested. This means being interesting, but also allowing him to chase you – rather than trying to pursue him directly. Another way to know if a Gemini man likes you is to look out for signs of jealousy. If he spends a great deal of time talking and flirting with you, but becomes uncomfortable when you pay attention to other men, then that could be a sign that he has feelings for you. Overall, determining whether or not a Gemini man likes you can be a challenging undertaking. However, by paying close attention to how he behaves around you and how he interacts with other people, you will get a better idea about his feelings. While Gemini men might be hard to read, they're also very dynamic and fascinating creatures, so getting to know them and trying to figure them out can be a fun and rewarding experience.