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他是美国知名雇佣兵,叫嚣 谁敢杀我 结果被此人下令溺死
Tit为何我国是全球雇佣兵的禁地 给再多钱也不来,原因很简单
le: The Life of a Mercenary Being a mercenary is not just a job, it's a way of life. As a mercenary, my services are for hire to anyone who is willing to pay for them. My job involves offering security and protection to clients and their goods, in exchange for money. I have been a mercenary for five years now, and in those years, I have traveled across different countries, met different people, and witnessed different cultures and lifestyles. However, being a mercenary is not all about the adventure and thrill. It also involves a lot of risks. My life as a mercenary is unpredictable. I am always on the move and working long hours. Sometimes the work involves guarding merchants travelling through bandit-infested areas, while other times it involves helping defend a village from raiders. The pay varies depending on the task, but it's a life that I have grown accustomed to. To be a good mercenary, one needs to have excellent combat skills and must be able to handle different types of weapons. One must also be able to adapt to new situations quickly as each job comes with its unique risks and challenges. One must also be able to trust his teammates, as the job cannot be done alone. Growing up, I never imagined myself as a mercenary, but it has been a fulfilling way of life. I have made a lot of friends and learned a lot about the world. However, I know that this life is not for everyone, and some may frown upon it. Regardless, it's a job that I take pride in, and I will continue to do my best to fulfil my clients' needs while staying true to my values.一声巨响传来,180名外国雇佣兵被一锅端,俄军 绝不放过一个人


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