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她在英语演讲比赛上获得了一等奖的翻译是 什么意思
Dre她在英语演讲比赛上获得了一等奖的翻译是 什么意思
aming of Her Last night, I dreamt of her again. She appeared in my dreams as if she had never left, with her hair long and flowing, her eyes bright and shining. It was as though she had never gone away, and we were still together as we used to be. In my dream, we were walking together through a beautiful garden, hand in hand. The flowers were in full bloom, their petals soft and delicate, filling the air with their sweet fragrance. The sun was shining down on us, warming our skin and lifting our spirits. As we walked, we talked of all the things we used to talk about. We laughed and joked, and our hearts were light. The world was a simpler place, and all that mattered was our love for each other. But then, as dreams often do, it started to fade away. The garden began to wither, the flowers drooping and wilting. The sun disappeared behind a cloud, and the sky grew dark. I knew that it was time to wake up, to leave the dream behind. As I opened my eyes, I felt a sense of loss, of longing for what could have been. But then I realized that even though she was no longer with me, the memories of our love would always be with me. So I smiled, got out of bed, and welcomed the new day with open arms. Maybe one day, I will dream of her again, and we will walk together through the garden of our love once more.她在英语演讲比赛上获得了一等奖的翻译是 什么意思


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