ked Rider is a popular superhero TV series from Japan that has spawned many iterations over the years. It was first released in 1971 and since then, it has become an iconic part of Japanese pop culture. The show centers around a hero named Masked Rider, who transforms into a powerful warrior to fight evil and protect the people. The reason why the show is called Masked Rider instead of Masked Knight is due to the fact that the term "Kamen" in Japanese can also mean a mask or a helmet. The show's creators wanted to emphasize the hero's use of a motorcycle as his primary mode of transportation, hence the "Rider" part of the name. The show's popularity has reached far beyond Japan, and it has been dubbed and translated into many languages, including English. While some may argue that using an English name for a Japanese property is a form of cultural appropriation, it is important to keep in mind that it was done to appeal to a wider audience. Using English names for foreign properties is a common practice in the entertainment industry. It helps to make the property more accessible to non-native speakers, and it also adds a level of sophistication to the brand. In the case of Masked Rider, the use of English in the title gives it a modern and edgy feel that resonates with audiences around the world. In conclusion, Masked Rider's English name is a reflection of its global reach and appeal. While some may view it as a form of cultural appropriation, it is important to remember that it was done to make the show more accessible to a wider audience. Regardless of its name, the show's impact on Japanese pop culture and beyond is undeniable.