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All起名取名大师app下载 起名取名大师 安卓版v2.4.8
en, A Name that Carries a Strong and Noble Meaning Choosing a name for a newborn baby is a joyous moment for any parent. A name can reflect one's origin, a family tradition, or even personal preference. One name that has grown in popularity over the years is Allen, a name that carries a strong and noble meaning. The name Allen has a Germanic origin and means "little rock" or "handsome." The name's first recorded use dates back to the sixth century, and since then, it has evolved to carry different variants, such as Alan, Allan, and Allyn. It is a name that has been given to people of different nationalities and cultures, adding to its versatility and meaning. Moreover, the name Allen has attracted some notable personalities who have made a significant impact in their respective fields. Some famous Allens include Allen Iverson, a retired American basketball player; Woody Allen, a renowned American writer, director, and comedian; and Allen Ginsberg, an American poet who became a leading figure in the Beat Generation. In addition to being an aesthetically pleasing name, Allen also carries some positive virtues that any parent would want their child to embody. It is a name that is associated with strength, reliability, and determination. The name's meaning "little rock" signifies stability, steadfastness, and unwavering resolve. Therefore, naming your child Allen could be a subtle way of encouraging them to be strong-willed individuals who are not easily swayed by challenges and obstacles. In essence, the name Allen has a rich history and is deeply rooted in various cultures. It is a name that is associated with notable figures who have made significant contributions to society and carries virtues that every parent would want their child to embody. Therefore, if you are looking for a name that is both timeless and versatile, Allen should definitely be on your list.美国的科技巨头公司,最喜欢从哪些大学招员工呢 只有两所藤校跻身前30


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