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书面表达.假设你是学校Health Club的成员.最近你对你校学生进行了一项有关生活方式的调查.调查的相关信息见下表.请根据表格内容为校广播站写一篇60词左右的英文广播稿
cer: A Gentle and Intuitive Zodiac Sign Cancer is the fourth sign of the zodiac and is known for its gentle, nurturing personality traits. People born under this sign are usually intuitive, emotional, and have a deep connection to their family and home. Element: Water Cancer is a water sign, which makes them highly emotional and sensitive. They are known for their ability to feel deeply and show empathy towards others. They can also be moody and easily hurt, but their strong intuition helps them navigate their emotions and the feelings of others. Ruling Planet: Moon The ruling planet of Cancer is the Moon, which explains why those born under this sign are deeply tied to their emotions and their inner world. The Moon also governs female energy, motherhood, and fertility, and Cancer individuals tend to embody these qualities, regardless of gender. Personality Traits Cancer individuals are known for being caring, compassionate, and loyal. They have a strong urge to protect their loved ones and create a safe, comfortable home environment. They are also highly intuitive and able to pick up on the emotions and needs of others. On the flip side, Cancer individuals can be moody and prone to emotional outbursts. They can also be overly protective and clingy, and may have trouble letting go of past hurts or resentments. Career and Relationships Cancer individuals excel in careers that allow them to use their nurturing and empathic qualities, such as counseling, teaching, or healthcare. They also tend to thrive in creative fields, such as art, music, and writing. In relationships, Cancer individuals seek emotional connection and security. They are highly devoted partners and seek long-term commitment. They prefer relationships that are comfortable and familiar, and may struggle with change or uncertainty. In conclusion, Cancer is a gentle, intuitive sign that values family and emotional connection. While they can be moody or sensitive, they are deeply caring and make loyal partners and friends.书面表达 请你根据下列提供的相关信息.以 My Sister 为题.写一篇短文. 内容要点 我姐姐是一名中学英语教师.中等身材.戴一副眼镜.工作努力.经常帮助需要帮助的人


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