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SorI m Sorry的英文歌曲
ry, From A Cancerian I’m sorry. These two words may seem small, but the weight they carry is immeasurable. As a Cancerian, I often find myself apologizing for things that are not entirely my fault. I’m sorry for being too sensitive, I’m sorry for being emotional, and I’m sorry for being unapproachable at times. However, I’ve come to realize that apologizing is not a weakness, but a strength. Being a Cancerian means being deeply empathetic towards others. We tend to feel the emotions of those around us, sometimes even taking on their feelings as if they are our own. This can be overwhelming, especially in situations where there is conflict or tension. We apologize as a way to ease the situation, to show that we understand the impact our actions may have had on others. However, I’ve come to learn that apologizing too much can diminish our own self-worth. We need to realize that we are not solely responsible for everyone’s feelings and that it’s okay to put ourselves first. It’s okay to set boundaries and say no when needed. It’s okay to make mistakes and not apologize for things that are not our fault. As Cancerians, we are also known for our nurturing and caring nature. We tend to put the needs of others before ourselves, often forgetting that we too have our own needs and desires. We need to remember to take care of ourselves first, in order to be there for others. In conclusion, I’m sorry may be two small words, but they hold so much meaning. As a Cancerian, I may apologize more than necessary, but it’s only because I care deeply about those around me. However, I’m learning to take care of myself first and to not apologize for things that are not my fault. It’s a work in progress, but I’m getting there. So to anyone I’ve apologized to before, I’m sorry, but know that I’m working on being a stronger, more confident Cancerian.cancer是什么星座 巨蟹座的英文


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