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古希腊神话故事 巨蟹座的由来
cer in Greek Mythology Canc{阅读更多 十二星座排名常识请关注 :杜鹃星座大全网,wWW.imdUJuan.coM〗er, the fourth sign of the zodiac, is commonly represented by the crab. However, in Greek mythology, it was not a crab that was associated with this sign, but a giant crab. According to legend, the giant crab was sent by the goddess Hera to aid the Hydra in its battle against the hero Hercules. Once the crab arrived on the scene, it immediately latched onto Hercules' foot, hoping to hold him back and give the Hydra an advantage. But Hercules was too strong to be stopped by a mere crab and crushed it with his foot. Angered by her failed attempt to thwart Hercules, Hera decided to immortalize the crab as a constellation in the sky. Thus, the constellation Cancer was born, taking its place among the other symbols of the zodiac. Although the ancient Greeks did not associate Cancer with the crab, they did see it as a symbol of fertility and nurturing. The sign was ruled by the moon, which in turn was associated with femininity, motherhood, and the cycles of life and death. People born under the sign of Cancer are often described as emotional, sensitive, and maternal. They value family and home life above all else and are known for their strong sense of intuition and empathy. Like the crab, they can be defensive and protective when their emotions are threatened, but are also loyal and supportive to those they care about. In conclusion, while the modern symbol for Cancer is the crab, it was originally represented by a giant crab in Greek mythology. The sign is associated with nurturing, femininity, and family, and those born under it are known for their emotional sensitivity and intuition.希腊神话中的英文名字


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