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ittarius and the Great Hunt Sagittarius, the archer, was known for his skill with a bow and a〔阅读更多 今日星座运势文章请关注 :运程网,wWw.iyunCHEng.CC〗rrow. One day, he set out on a great hunt in search of a rare and elusive beast that he had long sought after. As he journeyed through the forest, Sagittarius came across many obstacles and challenges. But with his keen eyesight and nimble reflexes, he overcame them all. Finally, after many days of tracking and searching, Sagittarius spotted his quarry. It was a magnificent creature, with a coat of shimmering scales and glowing eyes that seemed to pierce through the darkness. Without hesitation, Sagittarius took aim and let loose an arrow that struck the beast right in the heart. But instead of falling to the ground, the creature simply vanished into thin air. Sagittarius was baffled by this turn of events, but he did not despair. He knew that the hunt itself was the true reward, and that the thrill of the chase would always be worth the effort. And so, with renewed determination, Sagittarius set out once more in search of new challenges and adventures. For him, life was a endless journey of discovery and excitement, and he embraced it with all of his heart and soul.星座英语 射手座女孩的性格分析


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