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. Taurus - The Dependable and Sensual Zodiac Sign" Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac, and those born under this earthy sign (April 20-May 20) are known for their groundedness, practicality, and determination. But when you add the male aspect to Taurus, you get a「分析更多 十二星座知识内容请关注 :兰花星座网,wWw.imlANHua.Com」 complex and intriguing personality that is both dependable and sensual. The Taurus man is all about stability and security. He will meticulously plan his life and work hard to achieve his goals. He is practical and down-to-earth, preferring the simple things in life that bring him joy. His sense of responsibility and dependability makes him a great friend or partner, and he will always be there for those he loves. However, don't let his practicality fool you - the Taurus man also possess a deep sensuality that is rooted in his love for pleasure and comfort. He is a lover of beauty and luxury, and indulges in the finer things in life. He is often tactile, with a love for soft fabrics and textures that feel good on his skin. In relationships, the Taurus man is committed and loyal. He prefers long-term partnerships, and will not tolerate anything less than full honesty and trust from his partner. He is a bit possessive, but this stems from his need for security and stability in his relationships. He needs a partner who is equally dependable, but also someone who is able to match his sensual nature. Overall, the Taurus man is a complex and fascinating zodiac sign. He is a practical and grounded individual, but also a lover of pleasure and comfort. His dependability and commitment make him a great partner, but you must be willing to indulge in his sensual side to keep him satisfied.盘点金牛座10大男明星


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