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ittarius: Where Have You Been Teleported? Sagittarius, the archer sign, has been teleported to a different realm. Where have they been transported? It is a mystery unsolved. One day, Sagittarius was walking in the forest, admiring the autumn scenery. Suddenly, a bright light enveloped their entire being. After a few moments, they found themselves in an unfamiliar place. The trees, the sky, the smell of the air, everything was different. Sagittarius had been teleported to a new world. The first thing Sagittarius noticed was the sky. It w(学习更多 12生肖婚姻最佳配对知识请关注 :71星座网,wWw.71SpoRt.COM』as not blue but pink, with clouds that glowed at night. The trees had glowing leaves, and the grass was so soft that it felt like walking on a cloud. As an adventurer, Sagittarius was thrilled to explore this new world. They started walking, and soon came across creatures they had never seen before. There were flying horses, talking trees, and even unicorns! Sagittarius couldn't believe their eyes. It was like a fairy tale world. After walking for a few hours, Sagittarius found a small village. The villagers were friendly and welcomed Sagittarius with open arms. They explained that they lived in a world full of magic and wonder, and Sagittarius had been teleported there by mistake. Sagittarius spent several days in the village, learning about their culture, and exploring the surroundings. They learned magic spells, rode flying horses, and discovered hidden treasures. Eventually, Sagittarius was able to find the sorcerer who had teleported them there. The sorcerer was apologetic and promised to send Sagittarius back to their world. As they stepped into the teleportation circle, Sagittarius thanked the villagers for their kindness and promised to visit again someday. In conclusion, Sagittarius had been teleported to a world full of magic and wonder. It was a new experience for them, and they had embraced it with open arms. Although they had to go back to their own world, Sagittarius knew that they would always cherish the memories of their adventure in this enchanted realm.射手座4月1日星座运势


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