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金牛座男会被哪种女孩拿下 看一眼就喜欢的女人
Tau写给女生的挽回忠告 别再做错了
rus Girl: Pros and Cons The Taurus girl, born between April 20 and May 20, is known for her practicality and reliability. She is a true earth sign, which means she is grounded, stable, and dependable. Here are some of the pros and cons of dating a Taurus girl: Pros: 1. Loyal - The Taurus girl is an extremely loyal partner. She values stability and security in her relationships and will go to great lengths to make sure her partner feels loved and supported. 2. Patient - The Taurus girl is patient and understanding. She will listen to her partner’s concerns and work with him to find a solution. 3. Practical - The Taurus girl is practical and responsible. She is good with money and always has a plan for her future. 4. Affectionate - The Taurus girl is affectionate and loves to hug, cuddle, and kiss. Cons: 1. Stubborn - The Taurus girl can be stubborn and resistant to change. She may sometimes cling to outdated ideas and traditions, making it difficult for her partner to convince her to try something new. 2. Possessive - The Taurus girl can be possessive and jealous. She wants her partner to be loyal to her and may have a hard time sharing him with others. 3. Indulgent - The Taurus girl loves luxury and comfort. She may sometimes indulge too much in material things, which could strain her finances. 4. Slow to trust - The Taurus girl is slow to trust others. She may need time to open up and share her feelings. Overall, dating a Taurus girl could be a satisfying and enjoyable experi『领略更多 星座知识请关注 :星座运势网,wwW.xinGzuoYunSHi.CC〗ence if both partners are willing to compromise and work together.农历三月三十 阴历3月30日 出生的人的星座查询


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