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rpio: The Enigma of the Zodiac Scorpio, the eighth sign of the zodiac, is often shrouded in mystery and fascination. Born between October 23 and November 21, Scorpios are known for their intensity, passion, and determination. They are loyal and trustworthy friends, but also fierce and vengeful enemies. Scorpio's ruling planet is Pluto, the planet of transformation, power, and hidden secrets. Scorpios are natural leaders and have a deep sense of purpose. They are not afraid to go after what they want, and will stop at no《『分析更多 星座爱情速配查询文章请关注 :51星座查询网,wwW.500051.cN〗」thing to achieve their goals. However, their intensity can also be their downfall, as they can become obsessive and possessive in their pursuit of success. Scorpios are also known for their psychic abilities and intuition. They have a natural ability to sense the deeper meaning behind things and to uncover hidden truths. This makes them excellent detectives, researchers, and psychologists. In love, Scorpios are passionate and committed. They value loyalty and honesty above all else, and will only give their heart to someone they trust completely. However, they can also be jealous and possessive in relationships, and may struggle with feelings of insecurity. Overall, Scorpios are complex and multifaceted individuals. They have the ability to transform themselves and the world around them, but must be careful not to be consumed by their own intense emotions and desires.谁的英文好 可以帮我翻译成英文吗 谢谢


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