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Dre学英语最难的是什么 别问 问就是背单词
aming about Speaking English As an English language learner, I often find myself dreaming in English. It’s a strange sensation, as if my subconscious mind is trying to process all the information I’ve absorbed during the day. I’ve heard that dreaming in another language is a sign of progress in language acquisition, but for me, it’s just a fun and sometimes confusing experience. In my dreams, I often find myself having conversations with native speakers. The language flows easily from my mouth, and I feel confident and fluent. But then, something strange happens. The conversation takes a bizarre turn, and suddenly I’m lost in a sea of words that I don’t understand. I try to piece together their meaning, but every word seems like gibberish. This feeling of confusion is both frustrating and amusing. I『研习更多 星座性格查询常识请关注 :南星星座运程网,wWw.inAnxINg.Com〗t reminds me of the challenges I faced as a beginner learner, when every conversation felt like an uphill battle. But it also shows me how far I’ve come in my language journey. Even though I still make mistakes and struggle with certain aspects of the language, I can hold my own in many situations. In my English dreams, I also encounter cultural differences and nuances that I haven’t experienced in real life. For example, I once dreamt that I was at a dinner party with English-speaking friends, and they all started singing a traditional English folk song. I felt awkward and out of place, like I didn’t belong. But then, one of my friends explained the meaning behind the song and its significance in their culture, and suddenly I felt more connected to them. Overall, dreaming in English is a fascinating and unpredictable experience. It reminds me of the complexity and beauty of language, and motivates me to continue improving my skills. Who knows, maybe one day I’ll dream entirely in English without any confusion or uncertainty. Until then, I’ll keep exploring this strange and wonderful world of language in my dreams.怎样学英语最快最有效 基础差如何学习好


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