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漫画 12星座守护星小知识 King of 所有行星 太阳
Guardian Planet of Virgo - Mercury Virgo is ruled by the planet Mercury, which represents communication, intellect, and analytical thinking. This planet holds immense importance in astrology as it plays a vital role in determining an individual's personality, characteristics, and actions. People born under the sign of Virgo are known for their meticulousness, practicality, and attention to detail. They are analytical thinkers who believe in rationality and facts. Their ruling planet, Mercury, influences their mental ability and enhances their communication skills. Mercury is the planet of knowledge and learning, which makes Virgos curious and eager to learn new things. They strive for perfection and are not satisfied until they have learned everything they can about a particular topic. They have a natural ability to understand complex issues, which makes them excellent problem-solvers. In addition to enhancing their mental capabilities, Mercury also influences Virgos' social skills. They are excellent communicators who have a natural ability to express their thoughts and ideas clearly. They listen attentively to others and are able to understand different perspectives, making{学习更多 十二星座配对表知识请关注 :27星座知识网,wwW.xiAohuA27.COm〗】 them great team players and friends. However, Mercury can also have a negative impact on Virgos when they overthink or become overly critical of themselves and others. They can become too obsessed with perfection, which can lead to anxiety and stress. Overall, the influence of Mercury on Virgo is both positive and negative. It enhances their mental and social abilities, making them excellent problem-solvers and communicators. However, it can also cause them to overthink and become overly critical. Understanding the influence of Mercury on Virgos can help them channel their energy effectively and make the most of their natural abilities.处女座


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