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如何根据中文名取英文名 为何要根据中文名来取英文名
My 好听的英文名 女生篇 为家里的小公举收藏吧
English Name - Crystal My Chinese name is 宋晓玲 (Sòng Xiǎo Líng), but I have an English name, which is Crystal. When I was younger, I always admired the people who had an English name, and I wanted one too. I would often ask my parents or friends to suggest a name for me. Finally, one day, I decided on the name Crystal because I loved the way it sounded and the meaning behind it. The name Crystal is derived from the Greek word krustallos, which means "ice" or "rock crystal." The name symbolizes purity, clarity, and strength. Having an English name is common in many Asian countries because it makes it easier for people to communicate with foreigners. When I introduce myself to international friends or colleagues, I use my English name, and they can easily remember it. It's also a sign of respect and friendliness to use an English name when interacting with Westerners. However, my Chinese name is still very important to me because it is a part of my cultural identity. My name is a combination of my family name and given name, and it carries the hopes and dreams of my parents. In Chinese culture, names have significant meanings and are believed to influence a person's destiny. In conclusion, having an English name is convenient for international communication, but my Chinese name is a crucial part of my identity. It represents my culture, my family, and my personality. My English name,「研习更多 婚姻生肖配对文章请关注 :生肖号,wwW.ShengXiaoHao.cC]】 Crystal, may be easier to remember, but my Chinese name, 宋晓玲, is the true reflection of who I am.千万别再给自己取名Lily了 这些英文名字的坑一定得注意


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