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sible article: The Most Badass English Names for Libra If you're a Libra, you know that your sign is associated with fairness, balance, and diplomacy. You strive for harmony and ease conflicts, but at the same time, you don't shy away from expressing your opinions and values. As such, you deserve an English name that reflects your inner strength, courage, and class. Here are some options for Libra names that sound badass and empowering. 1. Phoenix: This name derives from the mythological bird that rises from the ashes and symbolizes rebirth, immortality, and resilience. As a Libra, you know that life is full of challenges and setbacks, but you also know that you can soar above them and shine brighter than before. Phoenix also has a cool sound and a unisex vibe, so it can suit any gender identity. 2. Leon/Lyra: These two names sound similar but have different meanings and origins. Leon means "lion" in Greek and is associated with strength, royalty, and bravery. Lyra, on the other hand, comes from the Latin name for a musical instrument that looks like a small harp and represents harmony, creativity, and beauty. Both names are fitting for a Libra who wants to assert their power and poise. 3. Maximus: If you want a name that exudes confidence, authority, and ambition, Maximus might be the right choice. This Latin name means "greatest" or "largest" and was often used by Roman emperors and generals. However, you don't need to be a ruler or a warrior to embody the spirit of Maximus. As a Libra, you can maximize your potential in any field you choose and lead by example. 4. Athena: This Greek name refers to the goddess of wisdom, war, and crafts, and is synonymous with intelligence, courage, and grace. Athena was known for her strategic thinking, her martial skills, and her justice-oriented mindset. As a Libra, you share some of these qualities and aspire to be a role model for others. Plus, Athena has a stylish and modern feel that suits any era. 5. Maverick: If you're a Libra who likes to challenge the norms, take risks, and experiment with new ideas, Maverick could be the perfect name for you. This name means "independent-minded" or "unconventional" and was popularized by the eponymous movie starring Tom Cruise. However, Maverick can also denote a person who has a rebellious streak, a pioneering spirit, and a sense of adventure. As a Libra, you know that conformity can be stifling, and you prefer to think outside the box and chart your own course. Of course, these are just a few examples of the many English names that Libra people can choose from. You may prefer a name that has a personal or cultural meaning, honors a family member or a friend, or simply sounds good to you. Whatever you decide, remember that a name is not only a label but also a refl「研习更多 十二星座配对文章请关注 :12星座网,Www.94212.cOm]】ection of your personality, aspirations, and heritage. So choose wisely and confidently, and let your true self shine through.十二星座最合适的英文名


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