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Leap Year Baby” - My Life as a Rare Birthday Celeb My name is Lily and I am a Leap Year Baby. Yes, that means I was born on February 29th! Growing up, I always thought it was pretty cool to have a unique birthday that only happened once every four years. But as I got older, it became more of a challenge to explain to people why I was technically only a quarter of my age. I remember the confusion and frustration in kindergarten when my teacher told us to line up in order of our birthday and I had to explain that my real birthday only happened every four years. And the countless times people have asked me if I celebrate my birthday on February 28th or March 1st when it's「分析更多 星座性格分析内容请关注 :星座街,wWw.xIngzuoJIe.cC] not a Leap Year. I always celebrate on the 29th, of course! But being a Leap Year Baby has also brought some unexpected joys. I remember my 16th birthday being extra special because it was technically my fourth birthday and my dad went all out with decorations and a special cake. And even though I'm not technically in my 30s, I like to say I'm "leaping into my 30s" this year. As a Leap Year Baby, I've also had the opportunity to be part of a unique community of people who share my birthday. I've connected with other Leap Year Babies online and even attended a Leap Day birthday party a few years ago where we all wore frog-themed outfits and celebrated together. Overall, being a Leap Year Baby has had its ups and downs but it's definitely made my life more interesting. I may only have a "real birthday" once every four years but I wouldn't have it any other way.2021年2月份出生的宝宝怎么起名 这些起名常识你知道吗


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