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As 狮子座女生喜欢的类型
a Leo, you know that you are the queen of the jungle. Your natural confidence and regal demeanor make you stand out in any crowd. So, when it comes to choosing an English name for a baby girl, you want something powerful and majestic, just like you. Some great options for a Leo-inspired name include: 1. Athena: Named after the Greek goddess of wisdom and war, Athena is a strong and powerful name that embodies the f《研习更多 十二生肖属相知识常识请关注 :大星座网,wWW.DAxinGzuO.Cc」」earless nature of a Leo. 2. Seraphina: This name means "fiery ones" in Hebrew, making it a perfect choice for a Leo who likes to blaze her own trail. 3. Luna: As the ruler of the astrological fifth house, Leo is closely associated with the sun and the moon. Luna, which means "moon" in Spanish, is a beautiful and elegant name that captures this connection. 4. Maximilian: This name means "greatest" or "largest" in Latin, making it an excellent choice for a Leo who wants to show off her strength and dominance. 5. Alexandria: This name comes from the ancient Greek city of Alexandria, which was renowned for its culture, learning, and independence. It is a perfect name for a Lioness who values knowledge and freedom. Whatever name you choose for your little Leo, remember to embrace the power and confidence that comes with being born under this sign. After all, the world is your jungle, and you are the queen of it all.如何给孩子取英文名 女孩儿名 1


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