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狮子座 星座 搜狗百科
Leo就在明晚,狮子座流星雨将迎来极大 快准备好你的愿望清单
Meteor English The Leo meteor shower is an annual astronomical event that takes place in the month of August. It is one of the most popular meteor showers, as it produces many bright and visible meteors. This shower usually lasts for a few days, with peak activity occurring around August 12th. This meteor shower is named after the constellation Leo, as the meteors appear to originate from this area of the sky. The Leo constellation is located in the northern hemisphere and is easily visible to the naked eye during the summer months. The Leo meteor shower is caused by debris left behind by the comet Tempel-Tuttle. When the Earth passes through this debris, the particles collide with our atmosphere and burn up, creating bright streaks of light in the sky. This is what we see as a meteor. To view the Leo meteor shower, find a location away from city lights and w《『领略更多 星座分析资讯请关注 :星语星座知识网,wwW.iXingYU.cC〕】ith a clear view of the sky. Look towards the east after midnight and you should be able to see the meteors appearing from the Leo constellation. It is best to lay down and look up towards the sky to get the best view. Watching the Leo meteor shower is a magical experience and a reminder of the vastness and beauty of our universe. So, mark your calendars for August and get ready to witness one of the most awe-inspiring sights in the night sky!狮子座流星雨本周末将迎来极大 想许愿的赶紧策划一下


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