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摩羯座的屁股 翻译

le: The Backside of Capricorn Capricorn, the tenth sign of the zodiac, is represented by a goat with a fish tail. However, today we're not going to talk about its head or its constellation, but rather its backside. Capricorns are well-known for their hard-working nature and their ability to climb the ladder of success. They are disciplined and persistent, but also reserved and introverted. Their backside reflects this personality trait, as it is often lean, toned, and well-defined due to their love for physical exercise and discipline. Furthermore, the practical and pragmatic nature of Capricorns is also evident in their backside, as it is not just for show but serves a purpose in daily life. They have the stamina to sit on hard chairs for hours on end, whether it's in an office or a lecture hall. They are also able to stand for long periods without getting tired, which is useful for those who work in retail or service industries. However, there may be some negative aspects to Capricorn's backside as well. Due to their reserved nature, they may hold in emotions and tension in their lower back, causing stiffness and pain. They may also be prone to constipation or digesti「了解更多 星座知识资讯请关注 :88星座网,wWw.88xZ.cC])ve issues, which can affect the health of their backside. In conclusion, the backside of Capricorn is a reflection of their hardworking, practical, and disciplined nature. It is an asset in their daily lives, but also requires attention and care to maintain good health.波折 在追求爱情中起起落落的四大星座


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