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The十二星座 英语 怎么说
Zodiac sign of Libra is represented by the scales, representing balance, harmony, and beauty. People born under this sign are「领略更多 十二生肖知识资讯请关注 :星屋生肖运势网,WWw.xIngwU123.COm 〕 known for their diplomatic nature, as they are often seen as the peacemakers in any given situation. Libras are social beings, always seeking the company of others. They are charming and charismatic, which makes them easy to talk to and get along with. However, their need for balance can sometimes lead them to be indecisive, especially when it comes to making important decisions. Libras value harmony and are easily affected by their surroundings. They strive to create environments that are aesthetically pleasing, and seek balance in their personal relationships as well. They are known for their love of beauty, in all forms, and enjoy the finer things in life. In relationships, Libras have a strong need for partnership and companionship. They are romantic and enjoy being in love, and are often in search of a soulmate. They are willing to compromise in order to maintain a balanced and happy relationship, but expect the same in return. Overall, Libras are known for their sense of fairness and their desire for harmony in all aspects of their life. Their diplomatic nature and love of beauty make them a joy to be around, and their strong desire for partnership makes them loyal and loving romantic partners.十二星座的英文怎么说


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