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Tit天秤座 活在别人的 眼光中 ,却失去了自己的 角色
le: The Mythical Story of Libra In ancient Greek mythology, there was a story related to the constellation of Libra, also known as the scales. According to the tale, the goddess Themis, who was the divine personification of justice, law and order, used the scales as a symbol of balance and fairness. She was known to be fair and just in all her actions, and her scales represented her unwavering sense of morality. One day, the goddess Athena, the goddess of wisdom, came to Themis requesting her aid in a dispute between two of her companions. The first companion, Hephaestus, who was the god of metalworking and smithing, claimed that the second companion, Ares, the god of war, had stolen his tools. Ares vehemently denied the accusation, and the quarrel soon turned into a full-blown argument. Themis stepped in and suggested that the truth could be discovered by weighing both companions against each other on her scales. Hephaestus readily agreed to the test, believing that his innocence would be proven. However, Ares was reluctant, as he knew he was guilty of the theft. When both companions were placed on the scales, the scales remained perfectly balanced. Themis decided to investigate further and discovered that Ares had indeed stolen the tools but had 「学习更多 十二生肖运程文章请关注 :星座号,wwW.XIngzUohaO.Cc」also returned them after using them. The scales' perfect balance was due to his act of retracing his steps. From this incident, the scales became a symbol of fair judgment and balance. The constellation of Libra is often associated with justice, balance, and harmony. Those born under this sign possess a strong sense of morality and are often fair and just in their dealings with others. In conclusion, the story of Libra is a testament to the importance of justice and balance in society. It is a reminder that we should strive to be fair and just in all our actions and that the scales will always tip in favor of those who uphold morality and righteousness.天秤座背后的神话故事二十三


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