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天蝎座英文物语怎么读(天蝎座 英语)

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to pronounce "Scorpio" in English and its mythological story "Scorpio" is pronounced as "skawr-pee-oh" in English. This zodiac sign is associated with the scorpion, which is a venomous arachnid. The mythological story behind Scorpio is an interesting one. According to Greek mythology, the god Orion was known for his hunting prowess. He boasted that he could kill any creature on earth, which angered the goddess of the hunt, Artemis. She sent a giant scorpion to attack Orion. The scorpion stung Orion, killing him instantly. Artemis then took pity on Orion and placed him in the sky as a constellation. In astrology, Scorpio is often associated with intensity and passion. Those born under this sign are said to be determined, powerful, and have strong emotions. They can also be vengeful and have a tendency to hold grud(阅读更多 12星座日期常识请关注 :看星座网,Www.kaNXINgzUo.Cc』】ges. Scorpios are known to be great leaders, but they can also be very secretive and distrustful of others. Overall, Scorpio is a fascinating zodiac sign with a rich mythology and complex personality traits. If you are a Scorpio, embrace your strengths and work on developing positive traits, such as forgiveness and trust in others.还不知道你的星座英文是什么 看看这12星座英文字母含义,说中你了吗


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