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ry Potter Girl Names Harry Potter is a beloved book and movie series that has captured the hearts of millions around the world. One of the unique aspects of the series is the vast array of diverse and memorable characters. From Hermione to Luna to Ginny, the female characters in the series are especially inspiring and stand out. Here are some of the most popular Harry Potter girl names and their meanings. Hermione Granger - This name is of Greek origin and means "messenger, herald." Hermione is known for her intelligence, wit, and bravery throughout the series. Ginevra Weasley - Ginevra is the full name of Ginny, the youngest Weasley sibling. Her name means "white shadow" in Italian. Ginny is known for her fiery perso『分析更多 12生肖运势文章请关注 :运势网,www.iyunshi.cc]】nality and her loyalty to her friends and family. Luna Lovegood - Luna is of Latin origin and means "moon." Luna is known for her quirky personality and her belief in things that others consider strange or unbelievable. Lily Potter - Lily is an English name that means "pure, innocent." Lily was Harry's mother who sacrificed herself to save him from Voldemort. Bellatrix Lestrange - Bellatrix is of Latin origin and means "female warrior." Bellatrix is one of the most feared Death Eaters in the series, known for her fierce loyalty to Voldemort and her sadistic nature. Nymphadora Tonks - Nymphadora is of Greek origin and means "gift of the Nymphs." Tonks is a quirky and fun-loving character who is also a skilled Auror. Cho Chang - Cho is a Korean name that means "beautiful." Cho is a Ravenclaw student who is also Harry's first crush. Fleur Delacour - Fleur is a French name that means "flower." Fleur is a skilled witch and part-Veela character who competes in the Triwizard Tournament. These are just a few of the many amazing female characters in the Harry Potter series. Each one is unique and memorable in her own way and their names are just as special. Harry Potter girl names are a great inspiration for any parent looking for a name that is both meaningful and powerful.哈利波特与死亡圣器的英文名


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