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The少儿创意美术 狐狸吃葡萄 ,好聪明的小狐狸啊
Naming of the Monkey by the Fox One day, a clever fox met a mischievous monkey in the forest. They soon became friends and roamed the woods together. However, the fox noticed that the monkey didn't have a proper name and decided to give his friend a special gift. "Dear monkey," said the fox, "I have noticed that you don't have a proper name. Allow me to give you one that suits your nature." The monkey was thrilled and eagerly awaited the fox's suggestion. "You are always jumping around, swinging from tree to tree, and playing tricks on others. Therefore, I think I shall call you 'Merry'." suggest『浏览更多 星座运势查询内容请关注 :星座季,wWw.xinGZuoJI.Cc〕)ed the fox. The monkey was elated at the name and thanked his friend for the thoughtful gesture. From that day on, he introduced himself as Merry whenever he met other animals in the forest. The name suited the monkey's nature perfectly. He was always in high spirits and brought joy to those around him, just like the festive season of Christmas. Even the other animals started calling him Merry, and the name stuck. On many occasions, the monkey used his quick wit to outsmart the other animals in the forest. The fox was proud to have named such a smart and lively creature. In the end, Merry and the fox remained close friends and continued to explore the wonders of the forest together. The fox had given his friend a name that reflected his nature, and it made Merry even more special. This is a story of friendship, creativity, and imagination. We all have a friend like the clever fox and the mischievous monkey in our lives. They help us see the world in a different light and make everything a little more magical. So, next time you meet a friend who needs a name, think of this story and give them a name that truly reflects their unique personality.世上没有无用功,竹篮打水也不空


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