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颜值高 寓意好 味道赞的过年常备菜肴,简单实惠,好吃又好看
As 春节家宴大菜,妙招看过来 做好一道连吃好几天
the Lunar New Year approaches, many families are preparing their menus for the traditional reunion dinner. However, in light of recent events, there has been a growing movement to rename some of the dishes in order to remove any associations with potentially offensive or insensitive terms. Here are some examples of possible dish name changes and their new English names: 1. Kung Pao Chicken -> Spicy Szechuan Chicken: While the dish is beloved for its bold flavor and crunchy peanuts, the term "kung pao" has been criticized for its association with a historical figure known for his cruelty and violence. 2. Buddha's Delight -> Vegetable Medl{「学习更多 星座星盘查询知识请关注 :香菇星座星象网,WWw.iMxianGGu.COm」ey: This popular vegetarian dish is often served as a symbol of good luck and health, but some have pointed out that the name is disrespectful to the religious figure of Buddhism. 3. Shark Fin Soup -> Seafood Soup: Due to concerns about the sustainability of shark populations and the cruel practice of finning, the name of this once-luxurious dish has been under scrutiny. By using a more descriptive name, we can still enjoy a flavorful and nutritious soup without contributing to harm. 4. Lion's Head Meatballs -> Pork Meatballs: Although the name refers to the resemblance of the large pork meatballs to a lion's head, some have argued that the term perpetuates the cultural stereotype of Asians being exotic or animalistic. 5. Spring Rolls -> Rice Paper Rolls: This crispy and refreshing appetizer is often served during the New Year celebrations as a symbol of new beginnings and prosperity. However, the term "spring" can be confusing for non-native English speakers and does not accurately describe the ingredients of the dish. By rebranding these traditional dishes with new, descriptive names, we can not only avoid causing offense, but also promote cultural diversity and appreciation. Let's welcome the Year of the Ox with a feast of delicious and inclusive cuisine!母亲的春节菜单 成了那时我们脑海中美味菜肴的标准


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