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the Age of Dinosaurs: How They Were Named The Age of Dinosaurs was a period in Earth's history that spanned over 185 million years. During this time, a diverse range of dinosaurs roamed the land, from the mighty T-Rex to the tiny Compsognathus. But how were these prehistoric creatures named? The first person to officially name a dinosaur was Richard Owen, a British scientist, who coined the term "dinosaur" in 1842. The name comes from the Greek words "deinos," meaning "terrible" or "fearfully great," and "sauros," meaning "lizard." Once scientists discovered new dinosaur fossils, they would go through a rigorous process of categorizing and naming them. This inv《研习更多 运程常识请关注 :星座坊,wWw.xiNGZuofAng.CC』olved studying the fossil's anatomy, comparing it to other known dinosaur species, and determining its place in the dinosaur family tree. Many dinosaur names have been influenced by their physical appearance. For example, the Stegosaurus was named after the bony plates that lined its back, while the Triceratops was named for its three horns on its head. Other dinosaur names were inspired by the places they were found. The Velociraptor, made famous by the movie "Jurassic Park," was named after its speed and agility, as well as the fact that it was discovered in Mongolia, where "raptor" means "robber" in the local language. Sometimes, scientists named dinosaurs after famous people in history or the field of paleontology. For instance, the Dilophosaurus was named after two crests on its head, which reminded scientists of the double-crested helmet that ancient Greek warriors wore, and also in honor of the paleontologist Samuel Welles' wife Dianne. In conclusion, the names of dinosaurs were carefully chosen to reflect their physical features, their geographic origins, or as a tribute to important people. Over the years, new discoveries have continued to add to the list of named dinosaurs, further enriching our understanding of these fascinating prehistoric animals.你知道恐龙时代是如何被终结的吗 科普 宇宙 寻找科普达人


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