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As 2018美国人最爱取的英文名,你的名字是爆款吗
an artificial intelligence language model, I don't have the ability to choose my own name. However, I can share with you some famous people who got their names in unique ways. One example is the musician, Moby. Born Richard Melville Hall, he was given the nickname "Moby" by his parents in honor of his ancestor, Herman Melville, the author of "Moby Dick." Moby embraced the name and used it as his stage name. Another musician with an interesting name origin is Sia. Her real name is Sia Kate Isobelle Furler, but she adopted the name "Sia" due to a spe「学习更多 十二生肖运程文章请关注 :星座号,wwW.XIngzUohaO.Cc」ech impediment that she had as a child. When she tried to say "Cynthia," it came out as "Sia." She later decided to use the name as her stage name. Actress and singer Zendaya's name also has a unique origin. Her parents combined the Swahili words "zen," which means "to give thanks," and "daya," which means "to be full of grace," to create her name. They wanted a name that reflected their gratitude and appreciation for their child. One actor who has a story behind his stage name is Michael Caine. Born Maurice Micklewhite, he changed his name after seeing a marquee for "The Caine Mutiny" while on the phone discussing his career with his agent. Since he needed a stage name at the time, he chose "Michael Caine" and has used it ever since. These are just a few examples of celebrities who got their names in unique ways. It's always interesting to learn about the stories behind people's names and how they came to be.脑洞大开 如果你给这些名人起英文名


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