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P h梦见有人给我算命
ad a dream last night that he was visiting a fortune teller and getting his fortune read through a process called '算卦' (suan gua). As he woke up, he decided to learn more about this ancient Chinese practice and how it can impact our lives. 算卦 or 'divination with sticks' is a traditional practice used to obtain guidance and understanding of personal and spiritual issues. The practice involves random selection of sticks, and interpreting the results based on a pre-defined set of principles from the 'I Ching.' The 'I Ching' or 'Book of Changes' provides a symbol-based interpretation of the eight symbolic trigrams and 64 hexagrams. Each hexagram represents a unique set of circumstances and provides guidance on how to deal with them. P learned that the practice of 算卦 is used in various ways to answer a wide range of questions. The questions can range from personal and spiritual issues to broader societal problems. It is known that 算卦 can provide insight, clarity and direction when we are uncertain or facing challenges. Through the practice of 算卦, P found that there are many benefits to engaging with the spiritual and traditional practices of our ancestors. It allows us to connect with a deeper sense of meaning and purpose and offers a new way of understanding ourselves and the world around us. In conclusion, P's dream about 算卦 has awakened a desire to learn 「研习更多 12生肖婚姻最佳配对内容请关注 :奇缘网,wWw.IqiYuAn.Cc」more about this ancient Chinese practice. P believes that by embracing these traditional concepts, we can find valuable insights and solutions to address the complexities and challenges of life. Therefore, it is essential to keep these traditional practices alive, so the future generations can also benefit from the wisdom of their ancestors.梦见算卦


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