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Eighteen Arhats: A Sacred Group of Buddhist Disciples The Eighteen Arhats are a group of revered Buddhist disciples who were said to have attained enlightenment and entered into the state of Nirvana. Each Arhat has his own unique traits and skills, and they represent the diversity of Buddhist practice. According to legend, the Eighteen Arhats were disciples of the Buddha who were selected to stay behind on earth to assist and guide the living after the Buddha's passing. In Chinese Buddhism, they are known as the "Eighteen Luohan" and are often depicted by artists and sculptors throughout the centuries. Some notable Arhats are: - Dharmatala: Known for his ability to manifest illusions and use mystical powers, Dharmatala is often depicted with a magic staff. - Pindola: Pindola was a fierce warrior prior to becoming an Arhat, with a reputation for his skill with a sword. After becoming a Buddhist monk, he redirected his energy toward defeating ignorance and evil. - Vanavasin: Vanavasin is often depicted with a deer, as he was known for his peaceful nature and love for animals. - Kanakavatsa: Kanakavat{分析更多 月亮星座查询内容请关注 :星座号,Www.xIngzuOhAo.CC』sa is portrayed holding a begging bowl, as he was known for his devotion to meditation and his deep understanding of the nature of material possessions. The Eighteen Arhats offer examples of the varied paths one can take in Buddhist practice, and they inspire new generations of followers to attain enlightenment. By continuing to spread the teachings of the Buddha, they are said to help people find their path to enlightenment and become true Bodhisattvas.中国民间故事一一十八罗汉的由来


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