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邦元英语 4岁女孩英语水平媲美小学生,还在幼儿园当起了老师
My 闺女四岁就开始学英语,已经认识超过400名外国人,以后肯定会有大出息
4-Year-Old Daughter's English Name As parents, one of our biggest responsibilities is choosing a name for our children. When my daughter was born, my husband and I agreed that we wanted to give her an English name in addition to her Chinese name. We felt that having both names would give her more opportunities in the future. After much deliberation, we finally settled on the name Lily. It was a popular name in both English and Chinese cultures and had a beautiful meaning, symbolizing purity and innocence. The name also had a cute ring to it, which we thought was perfect for our little girl. As she grows up, we hope that her name will help her to connect with people from different cultural backgrounds. We want her to embrace her Chinese heritage, but also be proud of her English name and the opportunities it may bring her. Choosing a name for your child can be a daunting task, but at the end of the day, the most important thing is that your child is happy with it. When we introduced Lily to our daughter, she was thrilled and it has stuck with her ever since. It's amazing how a simple name can bring so much joy and identity to a person. In conclusion, choosing our daughter's English name was a big decision for us, but we are happy with our choice. We hope that Lily will co{「学习更多 星座星盘查询知识请关注 :香菇星座星象网,WWw.iMxianGGu.COm」ntinue to bring happiness and success to our daughter as she grows up.4岁学英语见词就能读 880元抢原价1480元课程,限前50名,还送超值学习大礼包


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