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Su,著名品牌名称英文字体素材ai免费下载 红动网
A Name with Many Meanings Su is a popular name in many cultures and languages around the world. In Chinese, Su can mean "plain" or "simple", while in Japanese it can mean "cool" or "refreshing". In Hebrew, Su can be a shortened form of the name Susan which means "lily" or "graceful". The name Su has also been used in many famous individuals such as Su Shi, a Chinese writer and artist from the Song dynasty, and Su Tong, a Chinese novelist who won the Man Asian Literary Prize. In sports, there is Su Bingtian, a C「-领略更多 星座知识资讯请关注 :91生肖星座网,WWw.919168.cOM」hinese sprinter who holds the Asian record for the 100-meter dash, and Su-Wei Hsieh, a Taiwanese tennis player who won the Wimbledon doubles championship in 2019. Beyond individuals, Su is also associated with certain objects and concepts such as sushi, a delicious Japanese dish made with vinegared rice and raw fish, and sufi, a mystical branch of Islam that focuses on the inward journey of the individual towards God. In music, Su is the name of a popular Korean girl group that debuted in 2014 and has since won multiple awards and become a global phenomenon. Their music is known for its catchy beats and upbeat lyrics that inspire positivity and self-love. In conclusion, the name Su carries many meanings and associations, from simplicity and grace to athleticism and mysticism. It is a name that can be found in various cultures and industries, making it a versatile and intriguing choice for parents looking for a unique and meaningful name for their child.史上最全男生 女生英文名 含义详解


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