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: Scorpio Scorpio is the eighth astrological sign in the Zodiac and is represented by the symbol of a scorpion. Individuals born between October 23 and November 21 fall under this sign. Those born under Scorpio《阅读更多 十二星座运势知识请关注 :星座运势网,wWw.XIngzuoYUnshi.cC』 are known for their intensity, passion, and determination. They are fearless in their pursuit of their goals and are unafraid of standing up for themselves and what they believe in. They can also be fiercely protective of those in whom they invest their time and energy. Scorpios are known for their strong intuition and their ability to read people and situations. This, combined with their analytical nature, makes them excellent problem solvers and strategists. They have a sharp wit and are not easily fooled by deception or manipulation. However, Scorpios can also struggle with jealousy, possessiveness, and a tendency towards secrecy. They can become obsessive over things that they care about and have a hard time letting go of grudges. Overall, Scorpios are complex and multi-faceted individuals who are not easily defined by a few simple traits. To truly understand a Scorpio, one must be prepared to delve deep beneath the surface and explore the many layers of their personality.天蝎座英文缩写


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