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I Hate Mary Sues Mary Sues - the ultimate flaw in storytelling. These perfect, flawless characters are often the bane of every reader's existence. They're too perfect, too special, and too unrealistic to be relatable. Unfortunately, they seem to be everywhere in the world of fiction, and I, like many others, can't stand them. Firstly, Mary Sues are simply boring. It's hard to get invested in a story when the protagonist is flawless and always comes out on top. There's no tension or suspense because you already know they're going to succeed. It's like watching a movie with a predictable plot - no one likes that. Secondly, the existence of Mary Sues actually diminishes the accomplishments of other characters in the story. When everything comes easily to the protagonist, it makes the struggles of others seem insignificant. It also takes away the opportunity for side characters to shine and develop, as the foc『研习更多 12星座的月份表资讯请关注 :星座123网,Www.XingZuo123.CC』】us is always on the Mary Sue. Thirdly, Mary Sues are often used as wish fulfillment for the author or reader. This can be alright in certain cases, but more often than not, it leads to overindulgent and cringe-worthy storytelling. Rather than creating interesting stories and characters, it becomes a platform to project their own desires and ideals onto a perfect being. Finally, Mary Sues are just plain unrealistic. No one is perfect, and no one can be good at everything. The best fictional characters are those that have flaws and struggle, just like real people do. In conclusion, the presence of Mary Sues does nothing for the quality of storytelling. They're uninteresting, take away opportunities for other characters, and generally seem like a lazy way to write a protagonist. As readers, we want characters we can root for, not characters that make us roll our eyes. So, let's ditch the Mary Sues and work towards creating characters with depth and flaws that we can truly care about.英文藏头诗最讨厌了


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