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ces, the twelfth sign of the zodiac, is known for its mysterious and dreamy nature. People born between February 19th and March 20th are said to be under the influence of this water sign. Pisces is ruled by Neptune, the planet of creativity and spirituality. As a result, Pisces are often artistic, intuitive and compassionate individuals. They have a deep sense of empathy and are always willing to help others, even if it means sacrificing their own needs. Pisces is also known for its strong emotional nature. They are highly sensitive to the feelings of others and can easily be affected by their environment. This makes Pisces very adaptable, but also prone to mood swings and emotional outbursts. However, their emotional depth also makes them great listeners and confidants. Pisces are often drawn to creative pursuits such as art, music and writing. They have a natural talent for expressing themselves and creating beauty in the world. Pisces are also known for their love of fantasy and escapism, and can often be found lost in their own imaginative worlds. Despite their dreamy nature, Pisces are also practical and hardworking. They have a strong sense of duty and responsibility, and will always strive to do what is right. They are also known for their ability to see things from multiple perspectives, making them excellent problem solvers. In relationships, Pisces can be romantic and deeply sentimental. They are devoted partners who will go to great lengths to make their loved ones happy. Ho{ %浏览更多 十二星座运势知识关注 :111星座网,Www.111dK.COm )〕wever, their tendency towards escapism and emotional sensitivity can also make them prone to escapism and avoidance of confrontational situations. Overall, Pisces is a complex and fascinating sign. Creative, emotional, empathetic and spiritual, they bring depth and beauty to the world around them.箬耶2015年12月双鱼座运势


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