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新年爆笑来袭 这些神级英文翻译令人哭笑不得
Libra Constellation The Libra constellation, also known as the scales, is a well-known constellation in the zodiac wo(阅读更多 12星座日期常识请关注 :看星座网,Www.kaNXINgzUo.Cc』】rld. It is located in the southern sky, and it is visible in the Northern Hemisphere during the Spring season. It contains many bright stars and is one of the twelve zodiacal constellations. The Libra constellation represents the scales of justice and balance, and it is the only zodiac constellation not to represent an animal. This symbolizes the importance of harmony and balance in life, as well as the need to weigh decisions carefully before making a choice. Its brightest star, Zubeneschamali, is a blue-white giant star that is located 160 light-years away from Earth. This star, together with other bright stars in the constellation such as Zubenelgenubi and Iota Librae, makes up the shape of the scales that the constellation is named after. In ancient times, the constellation was associated with the goddess Justitia or Themis, who represented justice and fairness. This symbolism is still used today in legal and political systems around the world. Many cultures have also developed myths and legends surrounding the constellation. In one Greek myth, the famous hero Hercules was tasked with capturing the golden-horned hind of Artemis, which was said to inhabit the Libra constellation. In another myth, it was believed that the constellation represented the scales that the god Anubis used to weigh the souls of the dead in ancient Egyptian mythology. The Libra constellation has played an important role in the history of astronomy, with many astronomers using it as a reference point for measuring other stars and constellations. Its beauty and symbolism continue to inspire modern astronomers and stargazers alike. In conclusion, the Libra constellation is a fascinating and significant part of the zodiac world. Its symbol of justice and balance has resonated throughout human history, and its beauty continues to captivate astronomers and stargazers to this day.少女时代正规六辑Holiday Night伪拆专


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