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Origin of Scorpio Zodiac Sign The Scorpio zodiac sign dates back to ancient Greek mythology. According to the story, Orion, a great hunter, boasted to the goddess Artemis that he could kill any animal on Earth. In response, Artemis sent a giant scorpion to kill Orion, and the 「学习更多 如何取名知识请关注 :竹子起名网,wwW.iMZhUzi.cOM〗hunter was stung and killed. As a tribute to Orion, Zeus placed the scorpion in the sky as a constellation. The placement of Scorpio in the zodiac dates back to Babylonian times when the Babylonians divided the sky into twelve sections, each corresponding to a month of the year. The Scorpio zodiac sign is represented by a scorpion, which is a symbol of danger and darkness. People born under this sign are said to possess intense emotions, passion, and determination. They are often described as mysterious and elusive, using their keen intuition and deep understanding to navigate the complexities of life. Scorpions are known for their powerful stingers, and people born under Scorpio are said to have a similar ability to sting with their words. They can be fiercely loyal and protective of the people they care about, but they can also be fiercely vengeful if they feel betrayed. In astrology, Scorpio is ruled by the planet Pluto, which is associated with transformation, power, and intensity. This reflects the deep, transformative nature of Scorpios, who are known for their ability to reinvent themselves and rise from the ashes of their own destruction. In conclusion, the origin of the Scorpio zodiac sign dates back to ancient Greek mythology and has continued to be used in astrology for centuries. The scorpion is a symbol of danger and darkness, but also of passion and determination, reflecting the intense and transformative nature of people born under this sign.天蝎座的来历很奇葩


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