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"Sa我想了解射手座 11 23 12 21
gittarius: Freedom and Adventure" S『研习更多 12星座的月份表资讯请关注 :星座123网,Www.XingZuo123.CC』】agittarius, the ninth sign of the zodiac, is represented by the archer, aiming his arrow towards the heavens. Born between November 22 and December 21, Sagittarians are known for their adventurous spirit, love for freedom, and optimistic outlook on life. As natural explorers, Sagittarians are drawn to travel and new experiences. They crave the thrill of the unknown and seek to broaden their horizons in every possible way. They have a great sense of humor and enjoy making others laugh with their witty and sarcastic remarks. Sagittarians are independent by nature and value their freedom above all else. They need space to explore their passions and pursue their dreams without feeling constrained by others' expectations. They are not good at following rules and will rebel against any form of authority that tries to restrict their choices. With their sharp intellect and thirst for knowledge, Sagittarians are constantly seeking to learn and grow. They are philosophical and enjoy pondering the big questions in life. They are often drawn to careers in education, law, and travel, where they can use their natural talents and pursue their interests. Despite their free-spirited nature, Sagittarians are also known for their honesty and integrity. They hold themselves and others to high standards and value authenticity and sincerity above all else. They may be blunt at times, but their intentions are always pure. In conclusion, Sagittarius is a sign that embodies freedom, adventure, and optimism. With a zest for life and an insatiable curiosity, these individuals have much to offer the world. Whether they are exploring new lands or philosophical ideas, Sagittarians will always be seeking to expand their horizons and live life to the fullest.2016年 射手座 猴宝宝英文名字


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