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pronunciation of Sagittarius name in English Sagittarius is a fire sign in the zodiac. This sign is known for its passion, energy, and adventurous nature. People born under this sign are often characterized as free-spirited, optimistic, and enthusiastic. If you're a Sagittarius or you know someone who is, you may be curious about how to pronounce "Sagittarius" in English. The correct pronunciation of "Sagittarius" in English is "sædʒɪˈtɛərɪəs". The first syllable is pronounced "sadge" with a soft "g" sound, like in the word "garage". The second and third syllables are pronounced "tair-ee-uhs", with the stress on the second syllable. If you're struggling with the pronunciation, you can break it down into smaller parts. Start with saying "sad" and then add "juh" to the end. This will give you "sadge". Next, say "tihr" like in the word "stir". To finish, say "ee-uhs" (which sounds like "ear-us"). It's important to note that the pronunciation of "Sagittarius" may vary slightly depending on where you live and your accent. However, the basic pronunciation should remain the same. In conclusion, knowing how to correctly say "Sagittarius" in English can be helpful when discussing astrology or when introducing (领略更多 星座婚姻配对资讯请关注 :竹子星座配对网,WwW.iZhuZi.CC〗yourself to others. It's a unique and interesting name that reflects the fiery and adventurous nature of this zodiac sign. So next time you meet a Sagittarius, impress them with your correct pronunciation!英文游戏名 短一点的


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