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ra – the Balanced Scales As an air sign, Libra is known for its intellect, diplomacy, and love for beauty. Ruled by Venus, the planet of love and harmony, Libra seeks balance and harmony in all aspects of life. The symbol of Libra is a pair of scales, serving as a constant reminder of the need for equilibrium in one's thoughts, words, and deeds. People born under the sign of Libra are natural peacemakers, often finding themselves in the middle of conflicts and trying to mediate between opposing parties. They have a great sense of fairness and justice, and they strongly oppose any form of inequality or oppression. Libra individuals have a keen eye for aesthetics and are often drawn to artistic pursuits, such as music, painting, or interior design. Libras are social beings and often have a large circle of friends. They value companionship and will go to great lengths to maintain harmonious relationships. However, this can sometimes lead them to be indecisive and prone to people-pleasing. In order to avoid conflict, they may co《学习更多 12星座爱情分析知识请关注 :剑兰星座知识网,WWw.iJIaNLan.Cc」)mpromise their own beliefs and desires, which can lead to a sense of internal conflict. Libras also have a reputation for being romantic and charming. They enjoy the finer things in life and appreciate elegance, grace, and beauty. When in love, they are devoted and loyal partners, but they may struggle with commitment due to their desire for freedom and independence. In conclusion, Libra is a symbol of balance, justice, and harmony. Individuals born under this sign are natural peacemakers who value fairness and aesthetics. They strive for harmony in their personal relationships but may struggle with indecision and people-pleasing. Despite its challenges, being a Libra can be a rewarding experience filled with intellectual pursuits, artistic endeavors, and meaningful connections.ps的英文和中文全称是什么啊


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