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Origin of Aquarius: A Brief Explanation Aquarius, also known as{研习更多 十二星座的月份表知识请关注 :88星座网,wWw.88Xz.cC』) the water-bearer, is one of the twelve zodiac signs that have been present in astrology for centuries. It is associated with the element of air, and its ruling planet is Uranus. But how did this sign come to be associated with a water-bearer? According to Greek mythology, Aquarius is based on the story of Ganymede, a handsome young man with whom Zeus fell in love. Zeus, the king of the gods, transformed himself into an eagle so he could swoop down to earth and kidnap Ganymede. He then took him up to Mount Olympus to serve as his cup-bearer. Ganymede was not just any cup-bearer, but rather, he had the honor of pouring nectar and ambrosia – the food and drink of the gods – for Zeus himself. The constellation of Aquarius represents Ganymede pouring water from his jug into the mouth of the great celestial lion. In this myth, the water is said to represent divine knowledge and wisdom, which Ganymede is passing on to the universe. This is why those born under this sign are often associated with wisdom, knowledge, and the pursuit of truth. The symbol of Aquarius, a zigzag line representing water waves, is also thought to represent the flow of knowledge and information that Aquarians are said to possess. They are believed to be innovative, curious, and constantly seeking new experiences and knowledge. Overall, the story of Ganymede and Zeus serves to remind us of the importance of wisdom and knowledge, and the vital role that these things play in our lives. Aquarius as a zodiac sign represents the pursuit of these qualities, and those born under this sign are believed to be uniquely suited to this quest. Whether or not you believe in astrology, there is no denying the beauty and mystery that surrounds the origin of Aquarius.水瓶座女生不同年龄段对相亲的态度


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