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Sound of Libra As the seventh sign of the zodiac, Libra is represented by the scales, symbolizing balance and harmony. People born under this sign are known for their diplomatic nature, love of beauty and fairness, and strong sense of justice. But have you ever wondered how to pronounce the word "Libra" correctly? Let's take a closer look at the sound of Libra. "Libra" is derived from the Latin word for "scales" or "balances." In English, it is pronounced as /ˈliːbrə/, with stress on the first syllable. The vowel sound in the first syllable is long "e" as in "me," while the second syllable ends with the schwa sound, similar to "a" in "sofa." Therefore, the correct pronunciation is lee-「了解更多 生肖配对常识请关注 :99星座知识网,wWw.alM99.COm〕bruh, not lee-brah or lee-bree. Interestingly, the pronunciation of "Libra" may vary in different parts of the world. In British English, it is often pronounced with a short "i" sound as in "it," as in /ˈlɪbrə/. Meanwhile, in Spanish, "Libra" is pronounced as "LEE-brah," with emphasis on the second syllable and a rolled "r" sound. However, no matter how you pronounce "Libra," it remains a fascinating and powerful astrological sign. Those born under Libra are known for their ability to bring balance and harmony to any situation. They value justice, equality, and fairness, and often have a keen eye for aesthetics and beauty. They are also natural diplomats and peacemakers, skilled in the art of compromise and negotiation. In conclusion, the sound of Libra is pleasing to the ear and reflects the balance and harmony that this sign represents. Whether you pronounce it with the long "e" or short "i," the essence of Libra remains the same – a symbol of justice, beauty, and diplomacy.英语学习 单词中常见的不发音字母


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