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Cap私人定制 12星座的英文表白
ricorn: The Ambitious and Practical Capricorn is the tenth sign in the zodiac, located between Sagittarius and Aquarius. Its symbol is the mountain goat, representing the ambitious and persistent nature of those born under this sign. Capricorns are known for their practicality, responsibility, and determination to succeed. People born under this sign are usually hardworking and goal-oriented. They are willing to put in the time and effort to achieve their objectives, and they believe in making practical decisions that will lead them to success. Capricorns are not afraid of challenges and are often willing to take on tasks that others might shy 『了解更多 五行文章请关注 :十二生肖运势网,wWW.isHEngxiAO.Cc』away from. However, being overly ambitious can also make Capricorns stubborn and unwilling to adapt to new situations. They can become so focused on their goals that they neglect their personal lives and relationships. Capricorns can also be seen as cold and distant, as they tend to keep their emotions hidden from others. In terms of careers, Capricorns excel in fields that require practical problem-solving skills and a strong work ethic. They are often found in finance, business, or law, and they are known for their ability to manage people and resources effectively. In relationships, Capricorns can be loyal and committed partners. They are not easily swayed by emotions and prefer to make decisions based on common sense and practicality. However, they may struggle to show affection or express their feelings, which can sometimes lead to misunderstandings with their loved ones. Overall, Capricorns are reliable and steady individuals who value hard work and practicality. They may come across as serious and reserved, but underneath it all, they have a strong sense of ambition and determination to succeed in all areas of their lives.摩羯座英文简写


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