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go: The Perfectionist of the Zodiac Virgo, the sixth astrological sign of the zodiac, is known for its meticulous attention to detail and analytical nature. Those born between August 23rd and September 22nd are said to possess traits such as practicality, efficiency, and a desire for order and cleanliness. The symbol of Virgo is the maiden or virgin, representing purity, independence, and self-sufficiency. Virgos are often seen as reliable and hardworking, with a desire for perfectionism in all aspects of their lives. This perfectionism can be both a strength and a weakness for Virgos, as it often results in high levels of self-criticism and anxiety. They can become easily overwhelmed by their own expectations, and may struggle with decision-making due to their need to thoroughly consider all options. However, the Virgo's analytical mind and attention to detail make them highly skilled in fields such as science, engineering, and healthcare. They thrive in careers that require precision and organization, and are often sought after for their reliability and efficiency. In relationships, Virgos may struggle with opening up emotionally, preferring instead to keep their feelings to themselves. They value loyalty and honesty above all else, and may become frustrated with those who do not share their same level of integrity. Overall, Virgo's reputation as the perfectionist of the zodiac is well-deserved. While their attention to detail and practicality can lead to success in many areas, it is important for them to learn to balance『学习更多 婚配内容请关注 :星座阁,WWw.xINGZUOge.cC』 their desire for perfection with self-compassion and acceptance.2019最火英文名榜单出炉,给宝宝取一个好听又有意义的英文名,看这一篇就够了


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