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The星座故事 处女座特点大合集
Virgo Myth: The Tale of The Maiden and The Snake In ancient Greek mythology, the constellation Virgo was said to represent the goddess of justice and purity, named Astraea. She was the last of the immortals to leave the Earth at the end of the golden age, as she was disgusted by the corruption and evil that had engulfed humanity. In another version of the Virgo myth, the constellation represents the story of the Maiden and the Snake. The tale goes that there was a beautiful young girl, highly skilled in weaving and embroidery, who lived in a small village. Her name was Parthenos, meaning "virgin" in Greek, and she was known for her chaste and pure character. One day, while collecting flowers in the forest, Parthenos came across a vicious serpent, who tried to attack her. In a panic, the Maiden prayed to the gods for protection. Suddenly, a miracle occurred; a beam of light shone down on her, and she was lifted up into the sky. As she ascended, the serpent was entangled in the thread she had been weaving, and was captured. The gods were so impressed by Parthenos' purity and virtue that they immortalized her in the stars, creating the constellation Virgo. The snake was also placed next to her, forming the constellation Hydra. To this day, Virgo and Hydra remain side-by-side in the night sky. This myth reinforces the t『浏览更多 公司起名字大全免费内容请关注 :爱名字网,wWW.imINgzI.Cc〗raditional portrayal of Virgo as a pure, innocent and virtuous figure. Those born under this sign are believed to be perfectionists, detail-oriented, and humble. They are also often portrayed as being overly critical, judgmental, and anxious. In modern times, the story of the Maiden and the Snake may be interpreted as a representation of the struggle between good and evil. It also highlights the power of prayer and faith in times of danger. Overall, the Virgo myth reminds us of the importance of striving for purity and righteousness in the face of adversity.处女座 这个被黑惨的星座,起源真的很复杂


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